Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Under Eye Wrinkle Treatment

Signs of ageing are something that no person would prefer to have in his or her body. Wrinkles around the eyes are definitely signs of ageing and everyone would like to get them away. Wrinkles around eyes can be treated in India with great results. Dr. Rekha’s Skin and Slim Clinic provides medical support to prevent and cure wrinkles that are formed around the eyes. It is one of the best clinics that treat wrinkles around the eyes.

What are wrinkles?
Wrinkles are small folds in skin that look like lines. Crow’s feet, laughter lines or character lines are wrinkles that are formed around the eyes, mostly in the outer corners of the eyes. They are seen as a sign of ageing as it appears mostly in the mid twenties and then keeps getting worse. They are formed because of the folds that are developed in the skin.

Treatment for wrinkles:

Prevention is better than cure, as the saying goes. In the case of wrinkles around the eyes, this proverb is apt. Protection from the UV rays can help the cause and the use of sunglasses while outdoors is recommended. Smoking and dryness of skin are two problems that can lead to wrinkles. Quitting smoking and keeping the skin moisturised by using moisturising creams, water or some other moisturising agent can be the solutions for these problems. In case wrinkles have been formed, home-made remedies which can supply enough Vitamin E to the skin can be used. Using egg whites for face masking can also help. Consuming plenty of antioxidants is also necessary to combat wrinkles. In a clinical atmosphere, Botox treatments are suggested. These injections may be taken from an expert to avoid any complications.

Dr. Rekha’s Skin and Slim Center, one of the best cosmetic Clinic in India provides various treatments to remove wrinkles and help to revive your youthful appearance.

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