Dr.Rekha's Skin and Slim centre Mumbai, introduced a new Advanced pain-free Treatment named as “ Venus Freeze Treatment “.It is a new and advanced non-surgical treatment that has been introduced in Mumbai by Dr.Reha. Dr.Rekha the managing director of Dr.Rekha's Skin and Slim Centre reported that the Venus Freeze works by the Patented (MP)² technology. Venus Freeze utilises multi–polar radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields. This is very fast and painless treatment.
This treatment is very useful for those who looks for Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and cellulite reduction treatments. The main benefit of Venus Freeze treatments are non-invasive and painless treatments method.This treatment take approximately 30-40 mins depending on the area. Here this Venus Freeze treatment having latest technologies which is only available in few centres all over the world.You can expect to feel the results as the treatments progress, a minimum of 6 treatments for the face, 8 on the neck and 10 on the body.
How Venus Freeze Works..?
- The Multi-Polar RF delivers fast, pain-free, homogeneous heating to multiple tissues depths resulting in superior clinical outcomes.
- Pulsed magnetic Fields technology has been used in traditional medicine for decades and is scientifically proven with regard to its regenerative properties
Why Venus Freeze Treatment..?

- Safe
- Painless
- Proven Results
- For All Skin Types
Get Immediate & Noticeable Results Today..!!!!
The venus Freeze provide 100% safe, Painless treatments for all skin types. It is an immediate and long-term results for your face, neck, body.

- Non-Surgical Body Contouring
- Cellulite Reduction
- Wrinkle Reduction
- Skin Tightening
- Circumferential Reduction
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