If you desire smoother, shiny, straighter hair, Keratinhair-straightening treatments are the most popular option at beauty

Keratin is a protein that's naturally found in your hair. First of
all, a stylist at the parlor applies a keratin hair-straightening product to your hair. He then uses the heat of a flat iron to seal it
in. The process usually takes around 90 minutes or longer, based on
the length of the hair. Salon keratin products generally comprise
Keratin Complex Smoothing Therapy by Coppola, Global Keratin Complex,
the La-Brasiliana treatment, Brazilian Keratin Treatment, the
Brazilian Blowout, and Brazilian Hair Straightening.

A keratin hair-straightening treatment could help to shorten your
blow-dry time by 40% to 60%,
Do not wash your hair for three or four days following the
treatment. To maintain the effectiveness of the treatment, you should
use sodium-sulfate-free shampoo.
The results are likely to last from two to 2 1/2 months.
Keratin treatment not only strengthens the hair shaft but also
enhances the flexibility of your hair. It is recommended that you
consult a dermatologist before getting a keratin treatment if you
have psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis.